UK Fire Door Think Tank

A not-for-profit think and action tank to boost innovation, knowledge, new research and future proofed standards setting in the UK fire door sector

What's our why? 

Our fire door community has been formed from a need. A need for things to be better in the UK fire door sector. Not just incrementally better, but seismically different. 

The Grenfell Tower fire tragedy in 2017 was just one of the stops on the route of the history of fire doors in use in buildings and in an emergency. There are huge learnings from this and other incidents. The UK fire door industry must recognise and collaboratively harness these learnings to engineer a safer and resilient future for the UK fire door sector, the built environment and the end users of fire door products. 

The industry is going through a revolution, and yes, there are a few examples of best practice. But in many areas, there are stakeholders hungry for accurate knowledge and protocols to manage these complex and life safety products. There are also many that are unprepared for the onslaught of regulatory change, due diligence and product control required to continue to successfully operate in this sector, and deliver and manage safer products to the fire door chain. 

But the sector lacks ‘one voice’, one independent and collaborative platform from which to rebuild. A place where knowledge can be shared, difficult questions can be asked and worked upon by a group of competent individuals, who bring together a 360-degree view of the future proofed fire door world and the place that it sits within our wider infrastructure resilience and fire safety environment. 

The UK Fire Door Think Tank is facilitated by Hannah Mansell and is a not-for-profit group intended to work independently and collaboratively across the UK Fire Door Sector.

To get involved, please contact us at

Grenfell Tower Silent Walk - 7 years  June 2024

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